Solid Panel Wall S400

Solid Panel Wall S400 Barbican's S400 series of solid walls provide a foundation for designers to work with a ‘frame and tile’ technology system.

Barbican Walls is a reconfigurable, cross-compatible system of demountable partition walls and modular storage systems that offer a multitude of options, providing maximum design flexibility.

Versatile in design and easy to assemble, Barbican provides solutions for every design challenge and to meet every specification.

Reference PDF
Reference PDF
Barbican Walls S400 RFQ
Low Pressure Laminate Samples
Low Pressure Laminate Samples
.../finishes-low-pressure-laminate ↗
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Barbican Walls S400 5
Solid Panel Wall S400
Solid Panel Wall S400
Solid Panel Wall S400
Solid Panel Wall S400
Solid Panel Wall S400
Tagged:   Walls

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